Start an Online Business: Free Action Guide

Start an Online Business Action Guide

A guide to creating ongoing revenue stream opportunities for yourself… today and forever! Use this workbook to help you prepare to start an online business.

How To Use the Action Guide 

For best results, complete each action step in the guide.

Record your answers, insights, and other notes. You’ll want to refer back to the steps you’ve taken during this initial attempt. Later, you’ll be glad you kept notes.

There is space in the guide for notes at each action step, but you can use a separate notebook or digital application – whatever works for you. No constraints here; this is a guide, not a rulebook.

Feel free to use the Action Sheets, such as spreadsheets or planning templates, among the course materials. If you think you can improve upon them for your use, by all means, tweak them so they suit your needs.

Finally, you don’t have to complete all the steps at once. Instead, try setting a specific time on your calendar to work on each one.

Don’t feel that you have to get it right the first time. You probably won’t. Learning is a process.

You’ll want to return periodically to previous steps as you have new understandings, and you may feel the need to repeat an action to do it in a newly discovered way.

Remind yourself of what you’ve achieved so far. Amend your answers as you see their impact. That’s learning!

Have fun with it. Enjoy the process of discovery. Successes will happen due to your work!